In accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 12 of the Law on Associations (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 51/09, 99/2011 and 44/2018), the founding assembly of the association PROGRESSIVE VOJVODINA ACTION at the session held on 09.02.20020. in Novi Sad brings:
Article 1.
PROGRESSIVE VOJVODINA ACTION (hereinafter: APV) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-profit, voluntary association established for an indefinite period to achieve goals in the following areas: the democratization of society; struggles for solidarity, justice, and freedom of citizens, for anti-fascism, for decentralization of the state and autonomy of Vojvodina, for environmental protection, for pluralism based on respect and peace; advocating for the prosperity of all, not individuals, and the creation of a post-capitalist society.
Article 2.
APV is a joint movement engaged in the fight against inequality, to improve the quality of life of people, the autonomy of Vojvodina, gathered around the values:
Article 3.
To achieve its goals, APV in particular:
organizes meetings, creative workshops, debates, forums, round tables, gatherings, press conferences, seminars, webinars, campaigns, and other forms of education and media presentations.
APV cooperates with political parties, similar associations, media, foundations, and state institutions.
Article 4.
The name of the association is: ACTION OF PROGRESSIVE VOJVODINA.
A Progresszív Vajdaság Akciója – in Hungarian;
Action of progressive Vojvodina – in Slovak;
Acțiunea Voivodinei Progresiste – in Romanian;
Action of Progressive Vojvodina – in Croatian;
Action of progressive Vojvodina – in the Ruthenian language;
Action Qatar is Progressive Vojvodina – in the Romani language and
Progressive Vojvodina Action – in English.
The abbreviated name of the association is: APV.
The seat of the association is: Novi Sad.
The association carries out its activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 5.
APV has a round seal with the text: “ACTION OF PROGRESSIVE VOJVODINA” – in Serbian;
A Progresszív Vajdaság Akciója – in Hungarian;
Action of progressive Vojvodina – in Slovak;
Acțiunea Voivodinei Progresiste – in Romanian;
Action of Progressive Vojvodina – in Croatian;
Action of progressive Vojvodina – in the Ruthenian language;
Action Qatar is Progressive Vojvodina – in the Romani language and
Progressive Vojvodina Action – in English.
In the middle of the seal, there is an abbreviated name of APV, as well as an indication of the headquarters of the association – Novi Sad.
Branches of associations formed according to the territorial principle have the seal of the same shape as the seal of APV, with the seal of branches having the name of the branch written in Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, Ruthenian and Romani, and under the abbreviated name “APV” with the determinant “branch “It has the name of the local self-government in whose area the branch operates.
The APV stamp is rectangular with an abbreviated name and the seat of the association.
Article 6.
APV has its own symbols: sign and logo.
The appearance and shape of the symbols, as well as their use, are regulated by a special rulebook issued by the Presidency of the APV.
Article 7.
APV is represented by the Representative of APV and may be represented by the Chairman (hereinafter: the President) or a member (hereinafter: member) of the Presidency and the Coordination Council by written authorization of the Representative of APV.
The authorization referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain the type, scope, and duration of the authorization.
Article 8.
The work of APV is public.
APV informs the membership and the public about its work.
Membership is notified through internal announcements, information, social networks, proposals, letters, directly through meetings and discussions.
The public is informed about the work of the APV through the media, press releases, press conferences, announcements, Internet portals and social networks, APV Newsletters, periodicals and special publications, APV internet presentations, public gatherings, tribunes, round tables and the like.
In the activities of the APV, sympathizers (hereinafter: sympathizers) of the association may also participate, who may also participate in the sessions of bodies and working bodies upon invitation, but without the right to decide.
Exceptionally, the public may be excluded from the work of the APV body, which is regulated by special decisions.
The decision on exclusion of the public is made by the APV body on the reasoned proposal of the chairman of that body or 1/3 of the members of the body at the session itself.
Article 9.
The unity of the APV is ensured and manifested by the principles of the Program and the Statute. Each APV member has the right to express their own opinion in the decision-making process. Expressing and advocating a different opinion is not subject to sanctions.
The implementation of the decisions of the Assembly and other bodies of the APV is mandatory for all members of the association, bodies, and branches of the APV.
A member of the APV is obliged to respect the decision made after the decision is made by the competent body of the APV, regardless of the opinion he represented during the hearing.
A member of the APV whose proposal is not accepted by the majority cannot present his opinion in public as the position of the APV.
In case he decides to withdraw from APV, the member cannot act under the name and symbols of APV or the name and symbols associated with APV and claim the property of APV.
Article 10.
A member of the APV can be any adult and able-bodied citizen who accepts the Statute, Program, and Code of the APV, signs the application form, and is admitted to membership.
The decision on admission to membership is made by the Coordination Council of APV within three months from the day of submitting the application form.
A member of APV has a membership card.
The procedure and rules of admission to membership, issuance of membership cards, and the manner of keeping records of members are regulated by the Rulebook issued by the Coordination Council of APV.
Article 11.
A member of APV has the right to:
A member of APV has the obligation to:
The APV Code regulates the mutual relations between the members and bodies of the APV.
The Code is adopted by the Presidency of the APV.
Article 12.
The member is obliged to pay the membership fee regularly.
The decision on the amount of membership fee is made by the Coordination Council of APV.
The member can materially, ie financially, help APV in the form of contributions.
Due to the provision of material or financial assistance to the APV, no one can exercise additional or special rights.
Article 13.
A member who has not paid the membership fee cannot vote or be elected as a candidate (hereinafter: candidate) for membership in the bodies of the APV, nor be a candidate for public office at the proposal of the APV.
Article 14.
Membership in APV terminates:
Article 15.
A member of the APV may be suspended for violating the Statute, the Code, or program principles, for damaging the reputation or obstructing the work of the APV.
Suspension may deprive a member of the APV of the right to vote, be elected to the bodies of the APV, or appear in public on behalf of the APV for a period of up to one year.
The decision on suspension of a member is made by the Coordination Council of APV on the proposal of any member or branch of APV.
The decision to suspend a member may also be made by the APV Representative.
The member has the right to appeal against the decision on suspension to the Presidency of APV within 15 days from the day of receiving the decision on suspension.
The decision of the APV Presidency is final.
Article 16.
A member of the APV may be expelled for a serious violation of the Statute, Code, or program principles, for damaging the reputation or obstructing the work of the APV.
The decision to expel a member is made by the Coordination Council on the proposal of any member or branch of the APV.
The member has the right to appeal against the decision on expulsion to the Presidency of the APV within 15 days from the day of receiving the decision on expulsion.
The decision of the APV Presidency is final.
Article 17.
An expelled member may apply for readmission.
The request is submitted to the Coordination Council of APV after the expiration of one year from the final decision on exclusion.
Article 18.
The bodies of APV are the Assembly, the Presidency, the Coordination Council, and the Representative.
Article 19.
The Assembly is the highest body of the APV.
The Regular Assembly is convened once a year.
The Extraordinary Assembly is convened as needed and may be elected.
Article 20.
The Assembly consists of all members of the APV.
The Assembly is convened by the Representative of APV.
The representative is obliged to convene an extraordinary Assembly within 30 days at the request of:
The Assembly is managed and chaired by the APV Representative until the election of the Speaker of the Assembly.
Article 21.
The Assembly makes decisions by a majority vote of the delegates present.
The Assembly makes decisions on strategic issues by a two-thirds majority.
Which issue is of strategic importance, is decided by the Presidency of the APV in the process of preparation of the Assembly.
The number of delegates present is determined by the Verification Commission.
Minutes of the work of the Assembly shall be kept and signed by the Chairman of the Assembly and the Recorder.
Article 22.
The Assembly adopts:
The Assembly elects and dismisses:
The Assembly adopts:
The Assembly gives an authentic interpretation of the Statute and the Program of the APV, as well as other general acts adopted by the Assembly of the APV.
The Assembly also considers other issues related to the operation of the APV.
Article 23.
The Presidency is the highest body of the APV between the two Assemblies.
A member of the APV may nominate a candidate for a member of the Presidency of the APV if he has previously collected signatures of support from at least 5 members of the APV.
The procedure of candidacy and verification of candidacy for a member of the Presidency of the APV is regulated in more detail by the Rulebook on candidacy for the bodies of the APV.
The Presidency has a maximum of 25 members who are elected by the Assembly by secret ballot, for a period of two years.
The candidates who win the largest number of delegate votes are elected. If two or more candidates win the same number of votes for the last seat in the APV Presidency, the election is repeated between those candidates until one of them wins the largest number of votes.
Article 24.
The Presidency of the APV has a chairman and a deputy chairman who is elected from among the members of the Presidency.
The Chairman of the Presidency of the APV convenes the sessions of the Presidency, manages its work, and signs the decisions of the Presidency. In case of temporary impediment, the chairman may be replaced by his deputy.
At the written request of the Coordination Council or at least 1/3 of the members of the Presidency, the Chairman of the Presidency of the APV is obliged to convene a session of the Presidency and put on the agenda those issues that the applicants ask.
If the Chairman of the APV Presidency does not act upon the request from the previous paragraph within 30 days from the receipt of the written request for convening the Presidency, the Presidency shall convene and chair the first signatory of the request for convening the Presidency session.
The Presidency makes valid decisions if a majority of members are present, and decisions are made by a majority vote of those present.
Membership in the Presidency is terminated by resignation, termination of membership in the APV, or due to permanent impediment.
Article 25.
APV Presidency:
Article 26.
The Presidency may make a decision that falls within the competence of the Assembly when the adoption of such a decision is not delayed, and thus resolves an important issue or prevents the occurrence of harmful consequences for the APV.
The decision from the previous paragraph is made by the Presidency by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the Presidency of the APV and such a decision cannot derogate from the Statute guaranteed rights of members and prescribed competencies of APV bodies.
All decisions made following paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be submitted by the Presidency to the Assembly for verification at the next session.
If the Assembly does not verify the decisions referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, they shall cease to be valid on the day of the Assembly.
Article 27.
The Coordination Council is the operational executive body of the Assembly and the Presidency of the APV.
An APV member may nominate a candidate for a member of the APV Coordination Council if he/she has previously collected signatures of support from at least 3 APV members.
The procedure of candidacy and verification of candidacy for a member of the Coordination Council of the APV is regulated in more detail by the Rulebook on candidacy for the bodies of the APV.
The Coordinating Council has elected members and members by position.
The elected members of the Coordination Council, a maximum of 11 of them, are elected by the Assembly of APV, by secret ballot, for a period of two years.
The candidates who win the largest number of delegate votes are elected. If two or more candidates win the same number of votes for the last place in the Coordination Council of APV, the choice is repeated between those candidates until one of them wins the largest number of votes.
One member of the Coordination Council is appointed by each branch of the APV.
Membership in the Coordination Council is terminated by resignation, dismissal from the position of branch president, termination of membership in the APV, or due to permanent impediment.
Article 28.
The Coordination Council has a chairman and a deputy chairman who is elected from among the members of the Coordination Council.
The Chairman of the Coordination Council of the APV convenes the sessions of the Coordination Council, manages its work, and signs the decisions of the Coordination Council. In case of temporary impediment, the chairman may be replaced by his deputy.
The Coordination Council of the APV validly decides if the majority of members are present, and decisions are made by a majority vote of those present.
At the written request of the Presidency of the APV or at least 1/3 of the members of the Coordination Council, the Chairman of the Coordination Council is obliged to convene a session of the Coordination Council and put it on the agenda those issues that the applicants ask.
If the Chairman of the Coordination Council of APV does not act upon the request from the previous paragraph within 30 days from the receipt of the written request for convening the session, the Coordination Council shall convene and chair the first signatory of the request for convening the session of the Coordination Council.
Article 29.
Coordination Council:
Article 30.
The representative of APV is elected at the Assembly of APV, by secret ballot, for a period of 2 years, with the possibility of re-election.
An APV member may nominate a candidate for Representative if he/she has previously collected signatures of support from at least 10 APV members.
The procedure of candidacy and verification of the candidacy for the Representative of the APV is regulated in more detail by the Rulebook on candidacy for the bodies of the APV.
If there are several candidates and none receives an absolute majority of the votes of the delegates present, the election shall be repeated between the two candidates with the largest number of votes.
The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the second round is elected.
A representative may be dismissed at the extraordinary Assembly of the APV.
Article 31.
APV Representative:
Article 32.
To promote the activities of the APV in places outside the headquarters of the association, branches of the APV are formed according to the territorial principle, and they are made up of APV members from the territory of that local self-government.
Branches are formed and abolished by the Coordination Council of APV.
The decision on the formation of the branch determines the scope and goals of the work, as well as other issues of importance for the organization and work of the branch.
The work and activities of the branch are managed by the president of the branch, who is also a member of the Coordination Council by position.
The president of the branch is elected and dismissed by the members of the branch.
Article 33.
To discuss professional issues within its scope, and especially the program and strategy of APV, program documents, a pre-election program of APV within its scope, presentation and encouragement of new activities of associations and civic initiatives, working bodies of APV are formed.
The working bodies consider specific issues within their scope and give recommendations and opinions to the APV bodies in connection with them.
Working bodies are formed and abolished by the Presidency of APV.
The decision on the formation of the working body determines the reason for the formation of the working body, its name, scope and goals of work, number of members, and other issues of importance for the organization and work of the working body.
The members and presidents of the working bodies are appointed and dismissed by the Presidency of the APV.
Article 34.
The Association obtains funds exclusively from membership fees, donations, grants, gifts, sponsorships, voluntary contributions, and project applications.
The Association does not acquire funds by performing any economic, service, publishing, and other for-profit activities.
Article 35.
Members of the Assembly of APV are jointly and severally liable for the damage they cause to the Association by their decision if that decision was made through gross negligence or to cause damage unless they separated their opinion in the minutes in the decision-making process.
The provisions of this Article shall accordingly apply to the actions of the Representative, the Presidency, and the Coordination Council of the APV.
Article 36
The Association ceases to operate by a decision of the Assembly, when the conditions for achieving the goals cease to exist, as well as in other cases provided by law.
Article 37.
After the cessation of work, all possible property of the association will be transferred to the organization of the Red Cross of Vojvodina.
Article 38.
The provisions of the Law on Associations will be directly applied to all issues not regulated by this Statute.
Article 39.
This Statute shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
Article 40.
Until the holding of the Election Assembly of the APV and the election of bodies following this Statute, all functions and competencies of the Presidency and the Coordination Council of the APV will be performed by the Assembly of the APV.